I'm currently a senior student at NTU, major in civil engineering.
A forward baller and rookie gamer.
Click here to know more about me.
Or contact me here.秤子。 |
左為試體壓力計。右為氣壓計。 |
日治時期的氣壓計。 |
三樓中庭。 |
二樓木桌區。 |
台鐵莒光號10500列車模型。 |
台灣高鐵700T列車模型。 |
道岔是讓列車可以往兩個不同方向(軌道)行駛的裝置。 |
橫渡線基本上為兩個道岔的組合,上圖的裝置可使列車變換至其他任意一條軌道。 |
新學生空間完工後進行剪綵。 由左至右分別為呂良正系主任、負責統籌規劃的卡艾偉教授、郭斯傑副主任。 (Photo credit: 林丹威) |
A senior student major in civil engineering at NTU, class 2012. Always hanging around getting hoops in the campus in free time.
Click here to know more about me.
I'm currently a senior student at NTU, major in civil engineering.
A forward baller and rookie gamer.
Click here to know more about me.
Or contact me here.